Our event team is working closely with QLD Health to ensure we deliver a COVID Safe event under Queensland’s Roadmap to easing COVID-19 restrictions.
Legends on the Lawn 2021 will be delivered under a COVID Safe plan to ensure the safety of all our patrons, volunteers, organisers and performers. Our COVID Safe plan will be updated to align with the changing situation as advised by QLD Health and we will continue to provide additional information on this via our socials, website and e-newsletter in the lead up to the event.
Everyone’s health and safety is at the forefront of our operations and we are dedicated to bringing you a COVID Safe event, being COVID Safe is a shared responsibility, please help by following COVID Safe practises, so that we can continue to have events like this in the future.
In the instance that changes in government restrictions mean the event cannot go ahead, then it will be rescheduled to a later date which we will notify you of. All tickets will automatically be transferred to the new date, if you are not able to attend the re-scheduled date then you will be entitled to a refund for your ticket. Further details of this can be obtained by calling Ticketmaster on 136 100.
If you have recently tested positive to COVID-19 or are a close contact of someone who has, are still awaiting your test results and have been advised to self-isolate, have been in a COVID-19 hotspot in the past 14 days or are showing symptoms of COVID-19 on the planned event date, please do not attend Legends on the Lawn.
Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of speech or movement.
It is important that you are COVID Safe and remain at home, self-isolate, and follow the current health advice.
If any of the above applies to you, you are able to get a refund of your ticket. To request a refund or ticket transfer to a future event, please call Ticketmaster on 136 100 outlining details of your situation. You may be required to supply proof to support your request.
Keep up to date on how we are working towards implementing a COVID Safe event by following our socials and subscribing to our newsletter.
Download the “Check in QLD” app via Apple App store or Google Play. The Check In Qld app is designed to help keep Queenslanders COVID Safe when we’re enjoying venues like pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes across Queensland. It is a contactless, free, secure and convenient way for customers to sign into a QLD business or event. Downloading this app allows you to pre-populate your contract tracing details, meaning you do not need to type them again upon entry. You will be required to provide contract tracing details as a condition of entry. For more information please click here.
Check our event info page for conditions of entry including bag restrictions and prohibited items. Before attending the event, please conduct a COVID-19 symptom self assessment check. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please follow the health advice provided and DO NOT attend the event. Please do not attend the event if any of the following apply:
You are presenting with COVID-19 symptoms, these include: fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of speech or movement.
You are required to quarantine after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
You are required to self-isolate after being identified as a close contact to someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
You are awaiting back the test results for a COVID-19 test.
You have been abroad or in a COVID-19 hotspot in the past 14 days. If any of the above apply, please DO NOT ATTEND the event, instead stay home and self-isolate.
If you are sick and think you might have COVID-19, check your symptoms using HealthDirect's Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptom checker and follow the current health advice. In this instance a refund of your ticket or a ticket transfer to a future event will be available. See refunds for further details.
Practice good hygiene by washing and sanitising your hands regularly using the bathrooms and widely visible sanitation stations throughout the site.
Use tap-and-go payment methods.
Adhere to social distancing regulations, remembering to keep 1.5m from those around you.
Wear a mask in the instances where it is not possible to socially distance.
Familiarise yourself with the location of the medical facilities, for if you start to feel unwell especially if you start to experience COVID-19 symptoms. In this instance please make yourself known to security, staff or COVID-19 marshals.
If you are referred to our medical facility before or during the event for COVID-19 like symptoms, you may be refused entry or asked to leave for everyone’s health and safety. In this instance please contact Ticketmaster on 136 100 to discuss refund options.
Comply with signage around the event site, in particular those relating to social distancing methods and crowd capacities in areas such as bathrooms, VIP areas and bars.
Follow directives given by security, police, event staff or COVID-19 marshals at all times.
Adhere to crowd flow measures and markers showing direction of pedestrian traffic. Please keep in mind that the music can be halted if directives are not being followed, and at worst, the event could cease early if patron behaviour is deemed unsafe. In this instance no refunds would be offered.
Keep updated via our socials on how you can remain COVID Safe while at the event. By attending the event you are giving your implied consent for your information to be shared with QLD health for contract tracing if required.